Cross of Jesus Christ near Water with Sunset and Peaceful Mood. Free Stock Video Footage Download Clips tranquility


Don’t be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools. Ecclesiastes 7:9



The end of term is approaching fast and have been grateful to you all for your support to keep things as ‘normal’ as was possible during those disrupted times. This week and next week we have students heading out to camp at Urupakapuka Island and to Auckland City – we pray for an awesome time away and for God’s protection.

Term 2 Start

You may be aware that ANZAC Day is on the second day back at school next term which would mean a ‘start-stop start’ beginning to the term. As a result of that, Arahura, our local community of schools (CoL) have agreed that we will run a professional development day on Monday 24th April for all schools in the area (first day of term). This means that school will actually start on Wednesday 26th April. Additionally, our secondary staff will be taking part in professional learning around the new requirements for NCEA on Wednesday 26th April so we are advising that secondary students (year 9 to 13) will begin Term 2 on Thursday April 27th, and although not ideal, this will be the least disruptive option for us to manage these events.

In the second week of next term many students will be representing our school in the Taitokerau Kapa Haka festival at Te Rangi Aniwaniwa in Kaitaia. On Tuesday the 2nd May (just before the event) we will have a Whanau evening here at school to share kai, show-case some of the mahi we are doing here and for our performance group to bless you with the bracket they will be performing at Te Rangianiwaniwa – mark the date on your calendars


This is the time of year when we may reflect more deeply on the atoning work of our Lord Jesus in His Passion and on the Cross, and the outpouring of the Love of the Father who gave His only Son that we my not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). We are mindful that in Christ we are a new creation and that (1 Cor 6:20) we are not our own – we have been bought with a price. We have the gift (from God) of faith and exhort one another to live in the fellowship of that faith, bringing our thoughts and deeds into submission to the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit so that we may glorify His name and be presented Holy before a Holy God (Col 1:22).

Blessings to all

David Rogers




Dates Events
Term 1:
Term 1:


Starts: Ends:
Term 1: Tuesday 31st January 2023  Thursday 6th April 2023
Term 2: Wednesday 26th April 2023 Friday 30th June 2023




Dear Parents

Just a notice about the winter term the expected uniform is as follows,

Boys; Black shorts or trousers. No sweat pants.
Girls; Skirt, skort with black knit tights or black trousers. No sweat pants or leggings.
Junior school; the red and gold polar fleece top over the school polo shirt, warmer thermals can be worn underneath the school polo top.
Senior school; the black school jacket over the the school polo shirt, warmer thermals can be worn underneath the school polo top.
Shoes; black closed shoe/ sneaker, preferably lace up and black or white socks and girls may wear black knit tights.
No gumboots, scuffs or slip-ons. If your child comes to school in these they will have them swapped out for a pair of Kidscan shoes or pre-used footwear.
There are a variety of tops and shoes in Lost Property (s1)
The school does have available a size range of second hand polos, skorts, and polar fleeces. Please see Mrs Van Wingerden (Tuesday to Friday).
Please refrain from wearing Jewellery.
thank you,


NCEA Student & Whanau Handbook 2023
Next Tuesday, all Year 11-13 students will also receive a hard copy of this handbook to take home. If you have any questions, please contact Yvonne Vujcich (0274915218) or [email protected]


  1. Easter Resurrection Sunday Celebration. 10:30 am at the Heart of the North Celebration Centre (school hall) all welcome.
  2. ANZAC Day Dawn Service 25th April 6:00 am in front of the Kaikohe Memorial Hall. Our Kapa Haka rōpu is the choir and senior students presenting a wreath. Come and support the school and honor those who served our country.

Mike Shaw

CEO Celebration Trust


PO Box 235 – Kaikohe

Phone +64 9 405 3996

Cell     +64 21 842 302





We would like to congratulate our three representatives of the Kaikohe Christian School who made their debut in The Junior Oceania Cup Competition held in Auckland on Friday 24th March to Sunday 26th March 2023. Amoron, Tumu and Khody were fortunate enough to represent our country for the Aotearoa U16 Maori, their whanau, their kura, and most of all the Lord Jesus Christ. Without a doubt, the boys thoroughly enjoyed themselves and can not wait to play again. BRING ON 2024!








Meeting Dates:                                                                                                                                                                           

Term 1



10 Flower Photography Tips to Create Better Photos

“For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11


Premium Photo | Fairy tale ambiance magical autumn forest background. autumn leaves, moss, different wild mushrooms. creative layout.

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

Thessalonians 5:16-18



Blessings to you all and stay safe!